Sunday, March 25, 2012

Boy Scouts Pinewood Derby

This is Wyatt's first year in boy scouts and he is officially a Tiger Cub. With spring comes the annual boy scout pinewood derby. Chris and Wyatt decided to build a cool truck to race this year, a hard decision after hours of looking at different designs on the internet. 

Wyatt was all ready in his new uniform and his truck.

 Here is a line up of all the tiger cubs. 
(they race against boys in their age group)

 Just a few pictures of Wyatt's finished product.

Wyatt is patiently waiting for his first heat, and if you know Wyatt, this is really hard for him!

Wyatt's truck did pretty good, we didn't get in the top three, but we did win a few races! And the boys have some new ideas for improvement!

Here is a picture of the boys in Wyatt's group with all of their cars

And here they with their leader George after the trophy's were handed out.

 Wyatt had a great time and was extremely happy even though he didn't get 1st place, he had fun an he did win Best of Show and the Most Unique, so along with the participation trophy, it was a good day!

 Wyatt had to take a picture of his truck with his trophies afterwards!

After the research and cutting and sanding, his finished project was something he was very proud of. 

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