Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Little Relief

As you all know this week has been unbearable with the heat and humidity. On top of that the air in our house was not working. We borrowed an old window unit that did its best to keep the living room at a degree we could stand to be in. At one point the temp in the house reached 90 degrees before the window unit and 85 with the window unit. But with temps hitting the 100's and a heat index of 110+ what could we expect. Last night around eleven Chris decided to tackle the ac unit again, in the end he was victorious. He never ceases to amaze me with his knowledge and handy man do it yourself talent. We ran the central air and the window unit to help drop the temperature in the house and today even with 100 degrees we stayed at a cool 78 in the house!

The kids have been troopers throughout this still doing their chores and dealing with the heat, so today we went down to my parents house to swim. Here are a few pics from our relief trip.

Wyatt overcoming his fear of jumping in.

My parents even joined us for a little game of catch. I had to take a few pics of my Dad as you are lucky to see him in the pool once every couple of years.

Chris and I were even able to steal a few seconds together! Overall a great day and little relief!

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